Healthy Foods - Chicken Breasts

easy chicken breast recipes

Quinoa pairs well with chicken breasts because it is a great source of complete protein. In other wells, it carries all 9 of the amino acids for your body. It is & a nice source of fiber, which is beneficial for digestion.

easy chicken breast recipes

Lettuce goes well with chicken. You can eat it in a chicken salad or a sandwich. Lettuce has low calories & omega three fatty acids.

These foods are a great compliment to baked chicken breasts. They are nice to eat because they are a great source of fiber, protein & lots of other nutrients that add to your overall health.

Tomatoes are also nice with chicken. Lettuce tomato & chicken go well together in a salad or a sandwich. The tomato is a great source of lycopene, which can help prevent heart disease or breast cancer.

Whole Wheat Bread
Whole wheat bread is great with chicken. In the event you are in the mood for chicken sandwiches, then whole wheat bread will add lots of vitamins & minerals to the protein that you get from chicken.

easy chicken breast recipes

This is another healthy food that you can eat with chicken. Spinach has lots of lutein, which not only fights against macular degeneration, but can help protect you from heart assaults due to keeping the artery walls free of cholesterol.

Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are a great side dish to have with chicken. This food is growing in popularity with the sweet potato spanish fries being sold. The actual benefits come in the nutrients that sweet potatoes provide. Vitamin A is a vital nutrient that sweet potatoes carryover lots of. Vitamin A protects the skin, intestines, eyes, & respiratory tract. The muscle building protein from chicken coupled with vitamin A provides an very healthy combination.

Chicken & broccoli is a great combination. Broccoli is a great source of lots of nutrients. It may not be a favourite vegetable to eat, but it can help prevent any life threatening disease. Coupled with the nutrients from chicken, you have a powerful combination for healthy eating.

These fruits are great to make use of with chicken. They go well in a chicken sandwich or chicken salad. While high in calories, they have a nice source of nutrients such as heart protective compounds, vitamin E, folate & potassium.

Beets have an anti-inflammatory quality which makes them a great combination with chicken's high protein makeup.

Asparagus contains a great blend of nutrients such as Vitamin K and folate. great meal with asparagus is asparagus stuffed chicken.

This leafy green vegetable is a great combination to make use of with chicken. This can be eaten as a side dish to a chicken meal. This vegetable is a lovely source of vitamins A, K, and C.

easy chicken breast recipes

Garlic is an powerful tremendous food that goes well with chicken. You can use it in a roast, or in a sauce that goes on the chicken. Garlic has over 70 phytochemical that can lower blood pressure and decrease your chances of cancer.

Cabbage is rich in phyto-nutrient antioxidants. It is as well as a lovely source of fiber. It also goes well as a side to roasted chicken breast.

Chicken and mushrooms go together well. you can prepare chicken in mushroom sauce, or serve chicken with mushrooms on the side. Mushrooms are known for lowering cholesterol and slowing down the growth of tumors in cancer.

Red Bell Peppers
Red bell peppers are great to sprinkle while preparing your chicken dish. These are actually the best sources of vitamin C. Red bell peppers surpass any fruit in the amount of vitamin C it carries.

It is lovely to eat vegetables with that chicken breast. Carrots are of the best vegetables to eat because it is a lovely source of vitamin A. Carrots are known to help along with your eyesight.

Russet Potatoes go well with  anything. However, chicken and potatoes are a wonderful combination. Potatoes are a great source of potassium, folate and niacin. A common meal features chicken and mashed potatoes.

Onions are a number of the most common ingredients in meals. They definitely go well with chicken. The onion has sulfur compounds which help reduce the risk of cancer.

These legumes pack 13 grams of protein. The benefits of this healthy food include blood sugar stabilization. Other nutrients include 11g of fiber, and five mg of iron. Chicken and lentils provide a healthy combination.

easy chicken breast recipes


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